Theme Moove

Theme moove screenshot


Moove it's a Moodle's theme that makes online environments more clean and intuitive for learners and educators.

Its intuitive layout is optimized for online learning, focusing on the things that matter - your learning activities and content.

What's new in Moove Premium?

  • Disable orange footer menu
  • Custom H5P CSS
  • Customized login page
  • Dark mode
  • FAQ area
  • Font chooser
  • Reports page!!!

New footer

With Moove Premium it is possible to hide the orange footer.

We also prepared an area to focus on share your Moodle App Links. Wait, you don't have a custom moodle app? Talk to us and we do to it for you!

Contact us to get your own Moodle APP

Footer screenshot

Custom H5P CSS

Now you can add custom CSS to customize your H5P content.

H5P screenshot

Adaptative login page

The new login page has the same old features of background and logos, but now the page adapts itself based on its content.

In normal cases, it is displayed only one column, but if you have login instructions or OAuth login buttons, two columns are displayed.

Login screenshot

Dark mode!

Tasting really cool web features. Check out our Dark mode

Dark mode screenshot

Moove Reports pages

Moove Premium has now awesome reports page.

Graphics reports

  • Last 6 months new users graph
  • Last 6 months new enrolments graph
  • Last 6 months course conclusions graph
  • Top 10 courses with more enrolments graph
  • Top 10 courses with more conclusions graph
  • Total users
  • Online users
  • Total courses
  • Total enrolments
Reports 1 screenshot

Reports by period

Reports 2 screenshot
  • New users
  • New enrolments
  • Course conclusions
  • Enrolments by course
  • Conclusions by course

Moove 4.4.21 package

Theme includes

  • Bootstrap v4.6.0
  • Font Awesome v4.7.0
  • OpenDyslexic Font V3.0.0


Click in the buttons above to choose your license.
Item details
Version 4.4.21
Plugin type Theme
Moodle Versions 3.8,3.9,3.10,3.11,4.0,4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4

IE 10, 11

Latest Chrome

Latest Firefox

Latest Safari

Released 7 years ago
Updated 5 months ago